Yummy! After making these for the first time a couple weeks ago and sharing it with my fashionable blogger partner, I knew this had to be our first culinary recipe. Who could go wrong with two of the most classic flavors, vanilla and chocolate.
What everyone loves about these cupcakes is that the vanilla cupcake is fluffy and has a buttery taste, while the chocolate frosting is smooth and tastes like the Dairy Belle frozen chocolate ice cream.
I experimented with this frosting a little more for my second try at it. I accidentally ran out of powder sugar and had to think of another option to get that same wonderful taste. My mom luckily had some white chocolate and told me that it would give the frosting a more sugary taste, being that white chocolate is practically made of mostly sugar. Her idea was brilliant and the frosting came out pretty yummy. I might even say better then the first time around!