Lighting is somewhat dark, but there she is!

Set for Alejandro, i know you can barely see a thing, but pay close attention the silhouettes of the on-stage set, it's quite spectacular. And this was about the time my camera ran out of batteries so i couldn't record the performance ...

Gaga performing "Dance In the Dark..."

I forgot what performance was this one, but her costume is definitely another one of her most eye-catching outfits. It's hard to tell what inspired her for this particular get-up. I would guess, hay? A tree stump? Those old fashioned chariot things people back in like Asia,used to carry people in...random but hey it came to me.

Her most memorable costume of the whole night, performing "So Happy I Could Die".... reminds me of the witch from Narnia or makes me think of some Queen of winter or even Tinkerbell.

Gaga and her lovely disco stick.....probably my most favorite prop that she has created. I am not sure, but I'm going to assume that this performace was "Love Game."

Two days ago was my birthday (8/16) and FOR my birthday, I went to Lady Gaga's concert. Oh boy, i love her so much! She is my idol! I went with Jonathan Lin, one of my best friends. We had a BLAST! Her voice was amazing live, the props and on stage set was beautiful, and the costumes, as bazaar yet brilliant as ever! The bad news was my battery for the camera ran out half way through the show , so i didn't get to film Bad Romance or Alejandro or any of my most favorite songs from her. However, overall, i enjoyed every minute of it!